My photographs are of subjects that attract my attention with their strong shapes and lines. At times they are very quiet and insist that I be still to reveal themselves. They pull me into their domain and inform me of a world filled with secrets waiting to be told.
I am self-taught and come from a background of math & science and have spent a career peering into the human eye, magnified, and in incredible detail.
I work in a variety of ways to create my images. Art papers, metal, canvas, wood, translucent papers are my mediums and on occasion I make handmade prints from old processes such as gum bichromate and palladium.
"Lily" is a triptych collage inspired by my father's numerous photos of my mother through the years. It is a tribute to the inner beauty in all of us as we age.
The images from "Submerged" come from the Atchafalaya bayou on a day when the water level was particularly low allowing the usually unseen cedar forest stumps to briefly reveal themselves.
I can be reached at susantotteimages@gmail.com.